Thursday, June 24, 2010

For my last lunch in Paris, I wanted more duck.

The most perfect meal to me- magret de cannard and some fried potatoes.

Julian left this morning, so we moved to a new hotel
off the Champs Elysees where Lydia will spend one more
week with her opera tour group.

The view from my cafe table.

The Hotel Chateau Frontenac.

Wait, stop little truck and take me with you!

This is how the sky looks at 10:05 pm in Paris.

Au revoir Paris!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Finally, Tracy forgoes shoe shopping & visits the Louvre

The line for tickets.

Actually, it's so immense that I would need a few weeks to explore.

This is a picture of people taking pictures of the Mona Lisa.

And this is a picture of someone taking a picture in front of a picture.

The Louvre is beautiful and overwhelming.

Under the pyramid - it's warm today.

I think they are cleaning the windows up there.

Next, I ran by Notre Dame.

Which, once again I will not have time to climb the tower this trip.

That night we had Thai for dinner with Laurent and Sabrina.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today in Paris, the weather was positively perfect.

I know these guys are tourists but I'm not sure from where -
possibly from 1975 and they traveled via time machine.

We had lunch at Petit Sud Ouest. It was sooo good!
The toasters on the tables are so you can toast your bread for your foie gras.

Julian wanted to get a hair cut.
The stylist spoke 3 words of English but it all worked out and J was very happy.

A door handle.

On these fabulous doors.

Hoof still attached to ham.

For dinner, we had a truffle taste off.